New Year updates

Ahoy Region 3!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season, and made into this new year safely. Having read the MSR’s it seems a great many of you gathered together in various forms this past month, and that warms my cold, dead heart. Banding together is what SFI about, what it is supposed to be about, and one of the many ways we, Region 3, show how it is done.

December saw the eventual cross over of the new Commander STARFLEET and their new Executive Committee. As of 4 January the EC and the AB have been back to work. Our first goal right now is to get an new IG appointed and in place (to keep the RC election’s on time) and then budget. I have reviewed it and asked questions on it, and in hope it will be approved by early February (allowing for time for discussion and voting).

Beyond that I have compiled a list items to address, and shared it with my fellow RC’s for their comments and additions.  The plan is to keep this list running so that we do not have things falling off the radar as has been the case since Wayne Killough’s passing. Odds are there are still a few items out there, but once found, they will go onto the list, and get prioritized and worked accordingly. Right now, not including the IG, we have 11 items on it – which should keep us busy through the first part of the year.

Sadly, there is more technical issues that are being uncovered/developing. Email is always a fickle beast, and it’s proving more so now. I received only 8 of the 25 emails for MSR’s this month. I did not get my RSR submission confirmation. Other communications to/from the CS and EC departments got lost in the ether. Other RC’s report similar issues. So for this, I ask everyone to be aware, and be kind to those volunteers of this organization if you are not getting prompt replies…they may not have received it at all. The CS put the Comms and Comp OPS dept on this to run down the cause(s).

The 3rd Brigade has an ambitious plan for their muster, which we are all invited to as we do not have a summit this year. Your CO’s should be soliciting interest levels for that now. Once that is hammered out and secured, I’d like to get the CCO together to hash out the rest of the calendar. We have game days to plan, and this is the year we visit NASA! Expect that discussion to start around mid February.

R3 Staff held a meeting this week, and we went over our goals and priorities for the year. Finish up the staff manual, issue out/publish all CCO votes for 2016, and any new once that come along, re-writes for the FLEET First and Event Planning guide, a Summit manual, QM store and history Wiki, and more expansive RC Cup criteria.

I’m looking forward to 2017, and I think we have a good start to making both the Region and SFI as a whole successful and better.


Jeremy Carsten

Regional Coordinator,

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