RC Update – June 2018 – Seriously, come to summit!

Greetings Region 3, This month’s update is going to be brief – because in about 10 days we will be at summit, and that will be more interesting, informative and FUN than anything I put here. Registrations are still open, though all the meal purchases are closed, and the numbers have been submitted to the […]

Come to Summit 2018!

Greetings Region 3! I hope everyone is excited, and preparing for our Holodeck adventure that will be Summit 2018! I certainly am. I’ve been busy with awards and promotion boards, which is a great time for me to be reminded of all the great things that Region 3 and it’s members have done last year. […]

RC Update – April 2018

Greetings Region 3! Let’s start with local stuff. Awards nominations are over; due to the extension, there were some more last minute nominations, and The CAO has solicited for a member at large to form his committee. That will take place soon, and then award purchasing will begin! To that end, there is no significant […]

RC Update – March 2018

Greetings Region 3, As many of you may have noticed, there’s been some dust ups coming form the top, and I’m here to help work through them. First up, the SFSO has been changed to MACO. While this is not a focus on ‘all things must be canon’, it was felt that the group needed […]

RC Update – February 2018

Greetings Region 3, January and into February have been busy!  Lets start local and work our way up: Summit is going strong. The committee is hard at work on all the ground based fun, registrations are flowing smoothly – we have over 30 registered already! You don’t want to miss this! The Price went up […]

RC Update – January 2018

Welcome to 2018! We made it! 2017 had certainly been a trying year for many throughout SFI, but now we look ahead to the new goals and challenges of this year. First off – SUMMIT! Yes, it’s taken awhile to get there, but we have a summit planned, contract signed, and registration available! This will […]

Region 3 Summit 2018

After a long slog, and wearing our several ‘indentured servants’ that were on lone from the Orion Syndicate, we finally have a Summit to announce! Thanks go to Glenda Stevenson and her team for putting this together! The theme is ‘Getting Away on the Holodeck!’ You can register via the link here on the R3 […]

RC Update – December 2017

Greetings and Happy Holidays Region 3! The last few reports were sent to the CCO only, but I’m determined to keep this message as open as possible. Even better, there is some good news! First lets focus on the Region. We’re still working on Summit – the committee and I meet tomorrow, and I hope […]

STARFLEET Chapters Put on a Show at CONtraflow

Reported by COMM Randolph Allen: USS NEW ORLEANS NCC-57288 DATELINE: STARDATE 201710.08Mere months after the International Conference held in New Orleans, members from the USS CORSAIR, USS NEPTUNE and USS NEW ORLEANS returned to city of Kenner and to the New Orleans Airport Hilton for the commencement of CONtraflow VII. The convention which served as a […]

September RC Update

Greetings Region 3, September has been insanely busy, at least for me. But lets re-cap: 10 September – The Orville, a new, trek like show by Seth McFarlane – many equating it to the best Trek show we’ve had in a long time. I have to admit, that by episode 3, I figured it was […]